Matthias Kranebitter: Encyclopedia of Pitch and Deviation
Matthias Kranebitter has written the odd piece without electronics in the past. However, the use of electronics in his music usually is a given. At the same time, the way in which electronics are employed in his work is anything but a matter of course. They are not simply an instrument amongst others, they don’t serve as an atmospheric background, a synthesized ear-tickler, or formal glue which is meant to cover up fractures within the musical material. Rather, they themselves embody such fractures within music. In Kranebitter’s music, electronics don’t bridge the fractures, but highlight them and make them palpable. The release of this album is part of the Erste Bank Kompositionspreis, which Kranebitter was awarded in 2020, and features performances by Klangforum Wien, conducted by Johannes Kalitzke, the Warsaw Philharmonic and the Vienna-based Black Page Orchestra.
This track cannot be purchased individually and is only available with the full album.